Youtube ads

Advertising on YouTube

Video ads Is your video ad before or after the most popular YouTube videos in your industry? With video advertising, it's possible! The great advantage of online video advertising is that you decide in which context your message will be seen. In addition, your video can be delivered to any device. The targeting is less specific than with more...

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Google shopping ads

The importance of
Google Shopping

Your products directly in the search results? With Google Shopping, that's a real possibility! For webshop owners, Google Shopping offers a huge opportunity. When a user uses a search query that implies an intention to buy, Google displays a large number of relevant products at the very top of the SERP. You've probably already noticed this. When...

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Fausses annonces Google - Attention !

Recognising false
advertisements in Google

Watch out for fake Google ads Fake company ads in Google. You have probably already heard of them. Hopefully, you haven’t yet fallen victim to them. We give you some tips to distinguish real companies from fake ones. We have noticed that the number of false advertisements has recentlyincreased enormously. Because Google ignores our repeated...

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Lokaal online adverteren met Google en Facebook

Local online advertising

LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS past and present Local or regional advertising has been done for a long time. Before the Internet conquered the world, people mainly used flyers or the widely known advertising magazines. Even today, these methods are still very popular, despite the rather important disadvantages that exist: with flyers, you pay high costs...

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Wilt u ook meer omzet via het internet?

Samen gaan we op zoek naar de internetmarketing strategie die de meeste kans op slagen heeft voor uw specifieke situatie. Voor ons is elke case uniek. Rekening houdend met uw specifieke wensen, eisen en uiteraard uw budget, selecteren we de internetmarketing strategie die perfect past bij u en uw bedrijf.


De afgelopen 10 jaar hebben we de online zichtbaarheid en bij uitbreiding de online omzet van een heleboel kleine, middelgrote en grote ondernemingen verbeterd.


JA, ik wil  meer online omzet

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