What are the advantages of blogging for your website?

The world of blogging keeps growing. But why  is that? Does blogging have that many advantages? You’ll learn everything there is to know about blogging and its advantages in this blog. Blogging improves SEO Search engines like Google attach great importance to relevant information and unique content. A blog is the perfect tool to...

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Wat is een goede link?

Link building

Link building is an SEO based method with the goal of building a network of links to a page to increase traffic and authority. In SEO terms, we call these backlinks. Why is link building important for SEO You can think of a link as a recommendation between two websites. Having links from important and relevant websites will carry more weight than...

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Google Analytics

What is
Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is an interesting and free tool from Google that allows you to better understand the behavior of your website visitors. With this tool, you can find out how many visitors come to your website and what the important characteristics of these visitors are (age, gender, location, etc.). By installing Google Analytics, you can evaluate...

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SERP features - optimaal gebruik

Make good use
of SERP features

Google is responsible for over 95% of the searches in Belgium and is therefore the undisputed market leader. CTR studies show that websites that appear on the first page of Google retain more than 75% of visitors' clicks. Therefore, it is crucial to know which type of results to focus on when optimizing your website. In addition to the position...

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Website optimalisatie

Website optimization

It is best not to start optimizing your website at random. You will undoubtedly be most successful if you define a clear step-by-step plan in advance. Search engine optimization Technical – Is your website working properly? Findability – Can search engines analyze your website? Content – Is your website showing up for the...

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Wilt u ook meer omzet via het internet?

Samen gaan we op zoek naar de internetmarketing strategie die de meeste kans op slagen heeft voor uw specifieke situatie. Voor ons is elke case uniek. Rekening houdend met uw specifieke wensen, eisen en uiteraard uw budget, selecteren we de internetmarketing strategie die perfect past bij u en uw bedrijf.


De afgelopen 10 jaar hebben we de online zichtbaarheid en bij uitbreiding de online omzet van een heleboel kleine, middelgrote en grote ondernemingen verbeterd.


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